Let’s Elect Local Climate Champions!

We’re electing community leaders across the country to state and local office who pledge to stand up to the fossil fuel industry and fight for a just green economy. Sign up today to help us get out the vote for down ballot champions for climate justice!

Lead Locally Group Shot

Support In Upcoming Elections!

We need leaders at every level of office to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable and protect our climate.

Sylvia Campos

Sylvia Campos

Texas Corpus Christi City Council District 2

BradChambers_HD41_headshot - Brad for PA

Primary Winner

Brad Chambers

Pennsylvania House District 41

2023-Candace-Avalos 2 - Candace Avalos

Candace Avalos

Oregon Portland City Council District 1

View all Candidates & Elections

We can stop fossil fuels at the local level, and build the Green New Deal from the grassroots up.

Change starts locally. And on the local level, grassroots organizing is the key to winning. Help us win by volunteering or donating today!

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Our Impact

  • 240+ Candidates Supported
  • 120+ Candidate Victories!
  • 1500+ Volunteers

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There are 3 critical ways to get involved: Sign up to get updates, Volunteer virtually, Donate to local candidates.

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Thinking of running for office?

Sign up to get updates on our next Run for Climate training, which candidates to run strategic climate campaigns for state and local office!

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Lead Locally Victories

Davante Lewis

“We had a tough campaign ahead of us: an 18-year incumbent receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars from the utility companies he was supposed to regulate. Right when we needed it most, Lead Locally stepped up and helped us channel our grassroots energy into a sophisticated volunteer program that powered us to victory. Their support was instrumental in building the movement for clean, affordable, and reliable utilities that turned out on Election Day to win this race and secure Louisiana’s energy future.”

Davante Lewis Louisiana Public Service Commissioner

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